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Boost your vocabulary

Add new foreign words easily. Do exercises to quickly memorize them. Optimize learning experience.

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Add words

Add new words, manage them, organize them into lists.


Flashcards, association exercises, translate quotes.


We support many platforms. Learn anywhere anytime.

Progressive Web App

It is all you need! You can use Evowords via your browser or you can install it as native app on your desktop, tablet or even smartphone. It is extremely lightweight and supports all features you need.

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Install from App Store to manage words and do exercises right on your iPhone.



Install from Google Play to manage words and exercise using your Android smartphone.


MacOS, Windows and Linux - download app on your system.

Add words

Start small. Choose language you want to learn, then choose up to five unknown words and click "Add to vocabulary" button. You will be redirected to the app and Evowords will generate all translations automatically.


Evowords aims to make your learning process as enjoyable as possible.

Missing word

You are presented with a foreign language sentence with a missing word. Select the correct missing word from a list of four options.


You have a card with word. Flip this card to check word's translation. Try to make as few mistakes as possible.


Find 2 cards with words on 2 different languages. Find all such pairs as soon as possible and beat records.


Daily words

Discover a new foreign word daily! Delve into our engaging sentence examples and more, enriching your language skills and unlocking a world of linguistic possibilities.


Is Evowords a free app?
Yes, Evowords is currently a completely free app. Users can access all features and learning tools without any cost, making it an accessible and convenient language-learning solution for everyone.
What languages are supported?
Evowords supports 100+ languages for vocabulary building, providing a wide range of options for users to learn. However, for some exercises that utilize the ChatGPT technology, the number of supported languages may be limited to those that are compatible with ChatGPT, which currently supports around 60 languages. As a result, users can enjoy an extensive selection of languages for vocabulary expansion, while some exercises might be restricted to specific languages supported by ChatGPT.
Can I use Evowords in my browser?
Yes! Evowords is a Progressive Web App (PWA), which means that you can use it directly from your browser without the need to install a separate application.
Can I use Evowords for learning with tutor?
Yes, Evowords is an excellent tool for learning with a tutor. To collaborate, you can create a public list for the words you'd like to learn together. Share the link with your tutor, and they can access, add, and edit words in the list. This way, your tutor can help you with vocabulary during lessons, and you can track and practice the new words using various exercises available within Evowords. This feature makes it easy to customize and enhance your learning experience with your tutor.
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